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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

President's Tourism Week Kicks Off in Cap-Haitian & Cote des Arcadins (defend Haiti)

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti - President Michel Martelly was joined by the First Lady on Sunday as the government kicked off Tourism Week in the North, city of Cap-Haitien.
From the airport of Cap-Haitien, the Head of State was greeted by a large crowd and the press where he stressed the need to wisely use the tourism potential of the country.
Martelly described doing his part by seeing the airport runway rehabilitated and extended. "A standard international airport is important to have a development center in the North."
President Martelly committed to upgrading historic and tourist sites as well. Among the sites, the rehabilitation of the Sans Souci Palace and the reconstruction of Barrière-Bouteille's city gates.
In addition to concrete actions to boost tourism, the President of the Republic also intends to implement projects related to education, electricity, housing and job creation.
The president reiterated the creation of 35,000 jobs in the northern industrial zone of Caracol to be completed by March 2012. New plans have been accepted to construct 5000 homes in the area.
The large crowd that greeted His Excellency at the airport marched and sung along side the president for several kilometers until their arrival at Place d'Armes.
President Martelly describe the urgency of the hour is to provide a better picture of Haiti throughout the world and to work to find a better life for the Haitian people. The president invites all sectors to participate actively to achieve the desired results during its five-year term.


President Martelly Meets with Hotel Owners, Cote des Arcadins

MONTROUIS, Haiti - The President's Tourism Week rolled on, on Tuesday, with a meeting with hotel operators at Cote des Arcadins.
The parties met and made agreements to collaborate on a revival of the tourism industry, a major sector for economic growth in Haiti.
Six hotels operate along the 15 km coast line, where 452 rooms of 50 million dollars in value, accommodate about a thousand tourist per week.
Beatrice Nadal Mevs, Club Indigo, has been in operation long enough to explain the situation of the coastline; since 1984.
"There are many advantages to the coast," said Ms. Mevs, "but the disadvantages are die hard."
Speaking at the meeting held this Tuesday, July 26 by the Regional Council of Côte des Arcadins, in a charming restaurant in Petionville with President Michel Martelly, Beatrice Nadal Mevs refers to "operational and structural obstacles," referring, among others, the heavy price to pay for electricity, sanitation, coastal shorelines, the slow and the exorbitant cost of administrative and customs and the state of road infrastructure.
"We are spending 175,000 U.S. dollars a month just to power our diesel generators," said the head of Club Indigo.
A daily struggle to cope with garbage on the beaches, plastic and styrofoam, the six hotel facilities, which only operate at 30% of the actual capacity of the rooms along the coast of Pointe Pastern to Flood, got together in the very recent past to clean up their beaches and participate in recycling.
Similarly, a resolution common citizen are forced to buy the conch and lobster from a certain size and to respect the nesting periods to help the sustainability of these sulfur species that are drastically overfished.
The tourism sector has yet make it less painful, the obstacle course imposed on visitors to retrieve their luggage from Toussaint Louverture International Airport.
"Traffic jams, parking areas scattered with tap-taps, the anarchic and illegal constructions on the side of Ti Tanyen, deposits of rubble and garbage lying around everywhere on the National No. 1, street markets, lack of police presence, the absence of traffic signs and lights, truck traffic in all directions ... a real package that gives the road an image of hell," says Ms. Mevs.
The problems are difficult to swallow, however, the benefits of this coast are beautiful beaches, extraordinary ocean floor and monumental historical sites. It remains to the Haitian government to assume responsibility for Dominique Fombrun Carvonis from hotel Moulin sur Mer.
"If with only six hotels we spend on agricultural products 300 000 U.S. dollars, one can easily estimate more than double when 'we will manage to use 60% ​​of the rooms of our coast," says Ms. Carvone. "Agriculture will be the first to reap the benefits of tourism development in the area," she said, while making a plea for the irrigation and reclamation of poultry farming.
10 priorities were identified by the operators of the Cote des Arcadins:
  • Setting state of reception facilities and the airport exit,
  • the rehabilitation of roads and National Number 9 I,
  • the establishment of the necessary security on the access roads,
  • protection of marine biodiversity and fisheries control,
  • the implementation of the scheme of tourism development Arcadins Coast
  • establishment of a system of tax incentives
  • administrative facilitation
  • and customs
  • ...are among the proposals of the Regional Council of the Coast Arcadins ATH submitted to the President of the Republic.
    "Of the 22 million tourists who visit the Caribbean annually, only 300,000 are in Haiti," sadly said Samy Zuraik of Kaliko Beach.
    This alarms operators who attribute this to the socio-political situation of the country. "Haiti is still under the effect of travel warning by the United States," a hotel owner gets angry.
    "You have to take initiatives vis-à-vis the friends of Haiti by inviting them to such meetings," advised President Martelly. "They must ask whether it is true that the country remains on the red list despite the efforts being made."
    Mr. Martelly promised to be on the side of the tourism sector. "Without being a swimmer, I love the sea, which can help a lot in creating jobs," said the president, who sees in the hotel industry a niche that can absorb a large part of agricultural production.
    Michel Martelly urges investors in the hotel to go beyond their area of operation because, for him, "no one sector can not get out of the abyss. If we must do something for Cote des Arcadins, this work must go beyond the coast."
    The President should continue consultations Martelly tourism operators in the Metropolitan Region of Port-au-Prince of 'ATH Wednesday while participating in the launch of Promenade Complex magazine Magic Haiti, a production of the new and the Tourism Association of Haiti (ATH)

Assassination Plot against President Martelly Uncovered

Senator Zenny & Benoit On President Assassination Attempt

President Martelly Uncovers an Assassination Plot

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti - On Monday, the President of the Republic, Michel Martelly discovered an incident that occurred at a Sunday event, opening a week of tourism, was an assassination attempt.
The Office of Communications for the President mentioned the events as a "minor incident", but after further review, President Martelly characterized it as an "assassination attempt."
On Sunday in Cap-Haitien the president's motorcade was in the midst of a crowd of supporters in which a few hecklers infiltrated throwing stones and bottles. A press release from the Office of the President characterized it as a minor incident saying that arrest were made and an investigation would be underway.
The day following, Monday, President Michel Martelly, speaking to a correspondent of Radio Galaxie, Gonaïves (Artibonite), said video showed a man with an M-1 rifle among the attackers.
Senator Edwin Zenny added to the Head of State's claims saying there were certain monies given to the failed assassins.
Haiti Press Network found that 30 people had been held and questioned by the Cape Town Police, one of them had an M-1 in their possession. The gun carrier was found to be ex-convict allegedly employed by Parliament.
The former Colonel of the Armed Forces of Haiti (FAdH) Himmler Rebu said the President refused to follow instructions intended for his safety at the time of his attack, refusing to get into his vehicle.
Instead of minimizing the incident of Cape Town, he thinks he should take the matter very seriously, because it is the security of a president.
Senator Moise Jean-Charles condemned the incident, but attributed it to discontent within the population speaking "of unfulfilled campaign promises." Jean-Charles said "the president just like all Haitians can travel wherever he wants throughout the country. However, his inability to meet certain demands, it may attract the wrath of the population."

Difficulties still plague the government and the people of Haiti as officials have yet been able to ratify a Prime Minister and usher in the next functioning state.

The botched Sunday assassination attempt on Martelly – during his Sunday Cap Haitian visit – is beginning to see its effect spread like spilled ink on a white tablecloth
Joanet Caneus the pro-Lavalas Police Chief has been suspended from duty. He cannot wear his uniform or carry a gun. His arrest is expected within hours.
Immediately after the attack, a number of people were arrested, including one member of the Cap Haitian PNH office. He has since disappeared from the Cap Haitian jail.
The guy with the assault rifle disappeared immediately and has been traced to the Chamber of Deputies, where he works.
Reports suggest a Martelly move against Senator Moise Jean-Charles for his part in the chaos. Some believe he has immunity from arrest, because he is a senator, while others say his involvement removes the protection of immunity.
No matter what happens, the trail of evidence threatens to shake Preval’s political base – INITE.
Martelly has played down the event which may balloon to the point where he will dissolve parliament and place others under arrest. No one will be immune and some embassy elements are pressing for swift and vigorous action that might accelerate the acceptance of his choice for Prime Minister – Bernard Gousse.

The next few days will be very interesting.
Le cortège présidentiel a essuyé des jets de pierres, la police a effectué plusieurs interpellations (SignalFM)

martelly-au-cap-iiiLe président Michel Martelly était en visite Dimanche au Cap-Haïtien où il a été ovationné par plusieurs milliers de personnes. Dans son adresse à la population capoise, le chef de l’Etat haïtien a renouvelé certaines de ses promesses de campagne. M. Martelly a notamment parlé du développement d’un parc industriel dans le Nord. Il a maintenu ses engagements en ce qui a trait à son programme d’éducation gratuite et obligatoire.
Michel Martelly est aussi intervenu sur les difficultés rencontrées dans la mise en place de son gouvernement. Il a en ce sens montré du doigt les parlementaires auxquels il a imputé son blocage. M. Martelly a promis toutefois de continuer les discussions en vue de mettre en place un gouvernement au plus vite.
Mais, la visite du président Michel Martelly au Cap-Haïtien n’est pas passé sans incident. Le cortège du chef de l’Etat, qui entrait dans la ville à pied, a essuyé des jets de pierres. Ce qui a failli créer une situation de panique, n’était ce pas la vigilance des forces de l’ordre qui ont vite pris le contrôle de la situation. Deux des individus suspectés de poser ces actes ont été appréhendés, selon les informations recueillies sur place par un reporter de Signal FM.

En ce qui concerne le projet d’érection d’un parc industriel dans le Nord, ce projet sera annexé d’un programme de logements sociaux dont avait parlé l’un des responsables de la CIRH, Bill Clinton au début du week-end écoulé. 2 mille habitats, destinés principalement au 20 mille salariés de ce parc industriel, sont prévus en effet dans le cadre de ce programme financé, entre autres, par la fondation que dirige l’ancien président américain. Michel Martelly devait annoncer la liste des 100 mille enfants retenus dans le sud pour aller à l’école dès la prochaine rentrée scolaire dans le cadre de son programme d’éducation gratuite. La Fondation Clinton vient d’octroyer plus d’un millions de dollars à ce programme, permettant ainsi d’augmenter le nombre d’enfants 
Police Officer Placed in Isolation after Assassination Suspect Escapes

CAP-HAITIEN, Haiti - A police officer was put under arrest on Tuesday after the escape of a suspect that was being held for the attempted assassination of the president.
Odelin Saintilma, a county service officer of the Judicial Police (SDPJ) was placed in solitary confinement in Cap Haitien following the escape early Tuesday morning of a suspect interrogated in connection with the investigation into the attack that targeted last Sunday President Michel Martelly.
Radio Kiskeya learned from the local police that the suspect, considered a key witness, who appeared to be an affair of the state, escaped from the premises of the Nord Department of the Police Nationale d'Haiti (PNH) where he was taken in the company of some 29 other people.
The officer responsible for the custody of the suspect, whose identity was not revealed, is being punished.
Object at a time of multiple convictions and of great concern in some political circles, but also a pretext for controversial statements of passionate supporters and fierce opponents of the head of state.

The incident at Cap Haitien had seen strangers throw stones and glass bottles in the vicinity of the President. The scene had caught the presidential security in the neighborhood of Shada deemed favorable to the Lavalas Party of former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Azor Funeral in Picture & Video

Tribute of President  Martelly to Azor
The Presidency bows before the remains of the singer and drummer eponymous, Lénord Fortuné aka Azor, who passed away on the night of July 16 to 17, 2011, to the Hospital Bernard Mevs, as he was returning from the festivities of Mont Carmel, to Saut-d'eau.Haiti has lost one of the most popular virtuosos of traditional music of the past 50 years and a tireless ambassador of Haitian culture. With music voodoo as a backdrop, the group that he directed and which bears his name, Racine Mapou de Azor, toured the world and allowed everyone to discover the value of the music of lakous and of the Haitian identity.
It is thanks to him that this music, enclosed for a long time, is entered in the living rooms and has been enjoyed by millions of music lovers, Haitian and foreign.
The Presidency welcomes the courage and talent of Lénord Fortuné and sends its condolences to his family and all those who knew him and for which his music was a ritual of reassurance.
HAITI - JULY 23, 2011
Watch live streaming video from hctv2 at

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Haitian News on NBC

Extra, Extra...
A new Creole language news program has hit the airwaves on NBC. As of this week, The Haitian News airs weeknights on NBC Miami, digital channel 6.2 or Comcast 216. The half-hour show will broadcast news from Haiti as well as local news from South Florida. The latest news from Haiti will be featured three times a week; Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and will be anchored by Christalie Parisot. On special occasions, the host will arrange a roundtable with journalists and other opinion-leaders from South Florida's Haitian community. On Wednesday and Friday, the community news segment will be hosted by Nixon St. Hubert, also known as Nickymix, with Elizabeth Guerin as co-host. The Haitian News team hopes to broadcast everything of interest in South Florida's Haitian community from cultural to political events .
In Miami, watch the show 3 times a day, from Monday to Friday at 1:30 pm, 10:00pm, and 4:30am and online on at 7:00pm, 10:00pm.
Videos -
Watch Haitian News on NBC Miami Video Spot

 Christalie Parisot interviewed on the new program.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Haitian-American Ralph Gilles Named CEO at Chrysler - Interview with AUTOWEEK

Ralph V. Gilles
Chrysler has announced that Ralph Gilles will now serve as the President and CEO of the SRT division, also referred to as the Chrysler Street and Racing Technology brand. SRT is responsible for building Chryslers high performance vehicles.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ralph V. Gilles, born on January 14, 1970 in New York City, is a Haitian-American automobile designer.
Gilles is currently the President and CEO of the Dodge Car Brand and Senior Vice President of Design at Chrysler Group LLC. He styled the 2005 Chrysler 300 — after joining Chrysler in 1992 Gilles has been passionate about cars since the age of 6 and began drawing concept vehicles by the age of 8. When Gilles was 14, an aunt (Giselle Mouscardy) noticed he was talented at sketching cars and wrote to former Chrysler Chairman Lee Iacocca to inform him of her nephew's talents. A reply came from K. Neil Walling, Chrysler's design chief at the time, suggesting Gilles attend one of three design schools. He attended the College for Creative Studies in Detroit, Michigan. In 2002, Gilles received an Executive MBA from Michigan State University. In August, 2008, Gilles replaced the now retired Trevor Creed as Senior Vice President of Design. In October 2009, Gilles was promoted to President and CEO of the Dodge Car Brand. He was replaced as Dodge's CEO in June 2011, remaining Senior Vice President of Design and becoming CEO of Chrysler's Street and Racing Technologydivision.[4]
Gilles is extremely active inside and outside of Chrysler Group LLC. He serves as the executive sponsor of the Chrysler African American Network (CAAN) in addition to playing a leading role with The Chrysler Global Diversity Council. He also serves on the boards of The Walter P. Chrysler Museum in Auburn Hills, Mich. and The Pontiac Osteopathic Hospital Regional Medical Center in Pontiac, Mich. At his alma mater, The College for Creative Studies (CCS) in Detroit, Gilles serves on The advisory board of The School of Industrial Design and on The CCS Capital Committee.
An avid car enthusiast who enjoys spending time at the track, go-karting and watching Formula One auto racing, Gilles has participated in the Targa Newfoundland Rally and the Car and Driver One Lap of America. In addition, he has frequently served as a judge at Pebble Beach, Meadow Brook, and Cranbrook Concours events, along with the EyesOn Design car show.
Gilles has earned numerous academic and industry awards, including: The Michigan State University Eli Broad Graduate School of Management Young Alumni Achievement Award, The Automotive Hall of Fame Young Leadership & Excellence Award, NV Magazine Innovation Award, Black Engineer of the Year President’s Award and N’Digo Foundation N’Design Award.
He holds a Master of Business Administration degree from Michigan State University (2002) and a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in industrial design from CCS (1992)
Evan McCausland on July 15 2011 2:00 PM

Ralph Gilles is one busy man. In addition to serving as senior vice president of Chrysler Group design, he recently has taken an active role in the management of the company’s North American brands – including one all-new division. Gilles recently moved from Dodge to become the president and CEO of the Street and Racing Technology (SRT) brand — previously only a small engineering group – just in time to launch four new models for the 2012 model year. We briefly sat down with him to see what advantages SRT has as a full-fledged brand, and what products may be lurking around the corner.
Automobile: Congrats on the new assignment. Is this a dream job for you?
GillesThe big thing for me is, I loved my old job, I had a great time helping to build the brand. Learned a lot in two years about the business, networking, doing commercials, working with marketing guys. But the thing I did miss was the cross-branded nature.  When I was in my marketing job, I had to focus on Dodge – and you don’t mean to, but you end up competing against the other brands, unlike my design job. This is a more natural dynamic for me.
A: Are there any advantages of having SRT grow from a small engineering group into a full-fledged brand?
G: If you look at the history of performance brands, with the exception of M and AMG, they almost tend to come and go. Ford has a few but they’ve been disassembled; GM has had a spattering here and there. You end up not really tending to the pipeline of those products. It’s very important to collect the right type of people to make these products. It’s not the kind of product that comes out of a typical product planning dynamic; it comes more from enthusiasts saying “Wow; here’s a great platform. With a little bit of this and a little love this could become something special.” It’s almost like the engineers and the enthusiasts are planning the product line. We’ve had a bit of that spirit all along, but it’s been almost kind of accidental, or brought together only when necessary.
The second thing that’s important about having SRT as a brand is giving the owners a safe haven to enjoy their vehicles; a place to flourish and enjoy the ownership experience. I really have high regard for what Mini’s done with their owner base; BMW’s done a nice job. Even ourselves with the Viper program; we’ve done a nice job of kind of coddling our owners. An enthusiast experience is feeling like part of a club; that kind of camaraderie. I want to do everything I can to build that within the SRT ranks.
A: You’ve mentioned SRT is capable of being applied to any brand, and you’re launching new products across three of those marques right now. Is there any chance of an SRT take on Fiat models destined for the U.S.? Or will SRT remain an exclusive to the Chrysler Group?
GI think we’re going to be more tied to the Chrysler brands. If anything, our expertise is available to the Fiat group and brands, especially since we have a lot of understanding of sanctioning bodies here for motorsports. We’ll do everything that we can to help Abarth if they want it, but we obviously have to be careful as to not muddy the message.
A: Speaking of motorsports, we’ve seen some announcements that some racing responsibilities will be assigned to the SRT brand. Will you be stepping on Mopar’s toes at all?
G: No. We’re already somewhat involved in the NASCAR operation. Mopar is predominantly involved in drag racing, and now the TORC off-road truck series. I think we work best as partners; there are a lot of things we do behind the scenes as partners that people don’t realize.
A: My cab driver this morning was raving about the three Neon SRT4s he’s owned. Your 2012 portfolio [Dodge Challenger SRT8, Charger SRT8, Chrysler 300C SRT8, Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT8] is fairly diverse, but there’s still no entry-level B/C-segment performance offering. Is there room in the SRT lineup for such a vehicle?
G: Well, I’m a lot like that guy; I’ve owned a Neon SRT4, and I love it. I’m a big believer in high-horsepower, small displacement cars, so I’d love to do another. We have some great [small car] platforms finally; some competent chassis are accessible to us. We’re going to look into it, basically.
A: Thus far, you’ve got Chrysler, Dodge, and Jeep covered in the SRT portfolio – is there any chance of adding Ram to that list? Could SRT return to performance-tuned trucks?
G: We’ll see. You know, the two-door Ram SRT10 did really well, but the four-door was…um, definitely over-reaching, I think [laughs]. But who knows. All that kind of stuff…we’re not going to be as nameplate crazy; I think we kind of overdid it in the past. I want to keep SRT as exclusive as possible, and make sure every car we do is a success. I think we kind of over-reached on some projects, especially the last-generation SRT4 [Caliber].
A: How many is enough? Five? Six?
GWe’ll see. We have four already, and we’ll add Viper to that list next year. I definitely think we need an entry-level performance vehicle at some point.
A: You have a lot of people waiting for the new Viper to launch with bated breath. What hallmarks; what characteristics absolutely need to be carried into the next-generation car?
G: You know, I can’t give up all my secrets. But how to describe the Viper…I think we have to be careful as we go forward so not to lose the essence; that raw essence. It needs to be a vehicle that really rewards a good driver. At the same time, it needs to also be special. The execution is very intense. It’s kind of simple, in a way; I like that it doesn’t rely on a whole lot of technology to do what it does.
So I think going forward, I want to keep that spirit alive. Our owners have said that. They’ve told us ‘be careful;’ not to turn it into a techno-machine. We’re very conscious about that. Other than that, I can’t really say a whole lot more.
A: Would you consider a ten-cylinder engine a must-have feature?
GC’mon. I really can’t give away my secrets…