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Monday, July 11, 2011

1st Lady Activities - Visit at l'Asile Communal - Strengthening Haitian Health System - 50,000gdes to quintuplet mother - More

La Première Dame de la République d’Haïti, Mme Sophia Martelly, accompagnée du Maire de la commune de Port-au-Prince, Muscadin Jean Yves Jason, a visité l’Asile communal de Port-au-Prince à la Rue St-Martin, ce mardi 5 juillet 2011, en vue de s’enquérir de la situation des personnes du troisième âge vivant dans ce centre d’accueil.

Cette visite a permis à la Première Dame de cerner les différents problèmes auxquels sont confrontées ces personnes au lendemain du tremblement de terre du 12 janvier 2010. L’espace est en grande partie endommagée et des sinistrés y sont également hébergés. Une situation d’encombrement qui rend difficile la gestion du centre.

Trente-neuf (39) hommes et dix-sept (17) femmes âgés entre 60 et 115 ans y  vivent actuellement. Ils ont remercié la Première Dame qui, selon eux, apportent un vent d’espoir au centre. En effet, depuis plus de quatre ans, les visites officielles sont de plus en plus rares à l’Asile communal.

La Première Dame a reçu, à l’occasion de cette visite, une gerbe de fleurs du comité de gestion de l’espace. Les membres veulent, par ce geste, témoigner leur gratitude envers Madame Martelly, qui par sa présence, fait montre de l’attention soutenue que l’Exécutif accorde à la classe défavorisée et aux plus vulnérables. Ils souhaitent donc que le prochain gouvernement travaille à les faire sortir de cet espace.
La Première Dame a, durant cette journée, discuté aussi avec la population de la zone de St-Martin qui l’a félicitée pour le travail social qu’elle accomplit aux côtés du Chef de l’Etat. Intervenant aux micros des journalistes présents à l’Asile communal, Mme Martelly a promis de se pencher sur la situation et les diverses recommandations des résidents de l’Asile communal.

The First Lady of the Republic of Haiti, Mrs. Sophia Martelly took part in an important working session yesterday Thursday, July 7, at the Karibe Convention Center around the theme "Strengthening of the Haitian health system for a better impact."

Conducted under the leadership of the Office of the First Lady, the initiative brought together the members of the team Health of the President and those of the Ambassador Eric Goosby of OGAC who oversees the PEPFAR program (President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief).

In her opening remarks, the First Lady of the Republic of Haiti has highlighted that "... the finding of the health needs of the Haitian people, in addition to the new demographic and epidemiological challenges is the reason that leads to the exercise of strategic thinking." Indeed, 40% of the population still lacks access to health services.

This working session also served to highlight the basic epidemiological data, the financial data and the diagnosis the health situation of the country.

The reform of the CCM (Country Coordinating Mechanism - a mechanism of coordination for a better management of resources from the Global Fund for HIV / AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria) was also addressed and the request was made so that the First Lady take the leadership of the latter.

Ambassador Goosby has focused on the provisions of U.S. Government to support the new administration which he welcomed the commitment. He stressed that the statistics should not frighten, but rather, serve as stimuli in the planning of the response to the needs.
The First Lady came out strengthened in her conviction regarding the need to identify in the short term, the strategies and possible actions around the fundamental pillars for the strengthening of health system in Haiti.


Sophia Martelly and the strengthening of the Haitian health system
The First Lady of the Republic of Haiti, Mrs. Sophia Martelly took part in an important working session yesterday Thursday, July 7, at the Karibe Convention Center around the theme "Strengthening of the Haitian health system for a better impact."

Conducted under the leadership of the Office of the First Lady, the initiative brought together the members of the team Health of the President and those of the Ambassador Eric Goosby of OGAC who oversees the PEPFAR program (President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief).

In her opening remarks, the First Lady of the Republic of Haiti has highlighted that "... the finding of the health needs of the Haitian people, in addition to the new demographic and epidemiological challenges is the reason that leads to the exercise of strategic thinking." Indeed, 40% of the population still lacks access to health services.

This working session also served to highlight the basic epidemiological data, the financial data and the diagnosis the health situation of the country.

The reform of the CCM (Country Coordinating Mechanism - a mechanism of coordination for a better management of resources from the Global Fund for HIV / AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria) was also addressed and the request was made so that the First Lady take the leadership of the latter.

Ambassador Goosby has focused on the provisions of U.S. Government to support the new administration which he welcomed the commitment. He stressed that the statistics should not frighten, but rather, serve as stimuli in the planning of the response to the needs.

The First Lady came out strengthened in her conviction regarding the need to identify in the short term, the strategies and possible actions around the fundamental pillars for the strengthening of health system in Haiti.

HL/ HaitiLibre 

A mother gives birth to quintuplets, Sophia Martelly offers 50.000 gourds
07/07/2011 06:43:07
Haiti - Social : A mother gives birth to quintuplets, Sophia Martelly offers 50.000 gourds
Mrs. Sophia Martelly, the First Lady of the Republic of Haiti, learned yesterday morning that a young woman named Sheila Médély gave birth to quintuplets at the Hospital of Cayes-Jacmel. She congratulates the mother and her husband M. Clément Numa while regretting that the only boy is born dead and that one of four daughters died.

The First Lady believes that this family deserves special attention from the structures of social protection and assistance of the State.
Personally, the First Lady has decided to offer an amount of fifty thousand (50,000) gourds to the family. This amount is sent to the attention of Senator Edo Zenny.

"The instinct of solidarity is one of the deepest haitian values, which our society has no right to dispose," said the First Lady, who welcome the newborn.

TB/ HaitiLibre 


  1. felicitations madame Martelly. A good wife makes a better husband. I am so happy to hear that you have visited the people of St Martin and the donation you have sent to the lady who give birth to quintuplets. you are a real person. keep it up. hypocrites yo sezi.

  2. Sophia Martelly se Michelle Obama pa nou.
    Merci Sophia..

  3. Behind every great man , there is a great woman. You might be the key to the president's success. Bravo, keep doing what you are doing and keep it real! May God continue to help, and bless you and your family!


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